Observation (Background) >>I saw ahead the social and academic trauma that comes with staying true to your interest. My family members paid a steep price for their integrity, facing the consequences of lacking belonging that then, led to experiencing the pit of life, such as suicidal attempts and bullying. I was a spectator of all these, and for fear of similar retribution I dodged their level of honesty for as long as I could by pursuing academic subjects I had no purpose in... READ MORE >>
Question (Definition) >>"Societal decay" generally refers to the gradual decline or deterioration of the values, norms, institutions, and overall well-being within a society. It's a concept that is often subjective and can be interpreted in various ways, depending on cultural, social, and individual perspectives.
Factors contributing to societal decay may include...
Hypothesis (Methodology) >> Spirit Theory is His Forgiving Love | Spirit Theory is A God 1st Evolutionary Biology or Theorization of Neuroscience[Read More] (Explainer of Concept & Its Application In Our Daily Lives, As Such By Modeling What a God 1st Lifestyle Is,... Based On The Inspiration of Matthew 16:24, John 15, Mark 9:29, Psalm 51:17, Psalms 37:3, Matthew 22:37 found in the EOTC Inspired Steadfastness (In Particular: Self-Denially Following With Prayer & Fasting For Hallowing & For Geniune Emphasis On Relationship With Our Lord, Jesus in Order Abide With Loving Others And Do Good [Read More] ) | Learn More About Spirit Theory | From Modern Biology towards the introduction of Symmetric Biology for Telepathic Medicine : A New Medical Science & Practice | Because Societal Decay Is Real, As Environmental! | ORCID Inventions Repository
Experiment >> Organizing Spirit Theory As A System of Systems [Read More] Via System Education (Step 1&2), System Engineering (Step 3) To Advance System Wellness (Step 4) At The Society of Standards in Spirit for Wellness (SSSW) With The Inspiration of Matthew 16:24, John 15, Mark 9:29, Psalm 51:17, Psalms 37:3, Matthew 22:37 found in the EOTC Inspired Steadfastness (In Particular: Self-Denially Following With Prayer & Fasting For Hallowing & For Geniune Emphasis On Relationship With Our Lord, Jesus in Order Abide With Loving Others And Do Good[Read More] via a God 1st IP Creations & Wellness Standards
Analysis & Conclusion >> Join us Launch Mercury VC Housed, SSSW Capital Network, Research Institute & K-University International School System
Step One >> Understand His Forgiving Love. Study through Ember Academic Series & integrate God's way. Get to know Jesus & His Forgiving Love through daily motivationals. This is Matthew 22:37 Golden Rule Part One [learn more]! Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Your understanding (of this) is your kids' first inheritance!
Step Two >> Show love one another as your self. Self-Love (His Temple), Family & Friends. This is Matthew 22:37 Golden Rule Part Two [learn more]! Use the urgent personal care drive tool to organize for your neighbor's need.
Step Three >> integrate a) step one & step two in your daily profession by manifesting or showing His Forgiving Love b) integrate in your daily practice gracefully managing resources c) integrate step one & two in your ethnic & family tradition or culture! Use the Research & Design tool to be inventive through your faith.
Step Four >> Launch! Differentiate the pathways of God vs "I" has different destiny! Be pursposeful to live for delight (Matthew 6:33). Monitor Your Neuroscience Strength of Seeking His Forgiving Love from Step One applied on Step Two, With & Without Step Three (Matthew 22:37). To build Christ like personality (via [uppercase] Spirit or Holy Spirit) has an evolution on your biology (via [lowercase] spirit to your soul), before a new resurrected heavnly body! Join us launch SSSW K-University International Shool System, Research Institute & Capital Network